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What is NIJobs#

NIJobs is a platform that allows companies to better reach University students regarding work offers. From small Internships to Full-Time offers, everything can be announced in NIJobs and students will have a single place to look for offers that are directly targeted at them. No more sending CVs applying to wrong positions!


NIJobs is composed of a REST API and a separate React Frontend application. This document will explain how you can interact with the API, including the available endpoints, the request format, restrictions and examples.

Since the Frontend uses this API already, you can always find more examples in the source code (usually in the services/ path).


The pages are divided by topics, similarly to the division in the application itself. You can always look at the index at your left to situate yourself!

How to contribute#

This project is done by the NIAEFEUP student branch at FEUP. If you are a member, you can contribute by taking a look at the issues and selecting one of them. We use some prioritization, so it is encouraged that you talk to the project manager before, to make your contribution more meaningful and merged faster.

These docs are part of the application, and a crucial one, since new members rely on them to better understand the project. With this in mind, they are entirely editable as Markdown files in the documentation/docs/ path in nijobs-be. A more detailed section on how to write the documentation is available here.